Students who will have their names immortalised on Honour Boards for Academic Excellence in a Single Discipline are Janwei Huang and Joe Kaczmarski for Physics, DaYea Oh for Mathematics, Ralley Prentice for Chemistry, Michael Yong for English, Sarah’s Simpson Prize Success by Helen Lucas Congratulations to Sarah Reynolds for being the 2010 Tasmanian recipient of the Simpson Prize. Lachlan Stewart was presented with the Evan Williams Award for the most outstanding Year 11 student in one Maths and at least one Science subject, whilst Caitlin Dawson received the Charles Annells Award for the most outstanding Year 11 student in English and at least one SOSE or LOTE subject. This taught her a valuable lesson, one which she shared with the Clemes students, parents and teachers: “if at first you fail, try something new and come back to it.” Following Lisa’s speech, the Palmam Qui and Palmam Quae for best all round academic male and female, respectively, were awarded to Joe Kaczmarski and Alysia Brown.

Lisa talked about her desire to become a helicopter pilot and, although she did not achieve this, it opened up other opportunities, including becoming an environmental scientist, going on an expedition to Antarctica and a career in the Navy. He was followed by Lisa Hickman, a Friends’ Old Scholar, who spoke about “finding hidden doors”. The Head of Clemes, Tony Barrett, opened with a speech congratulating the students on their achievements.

The Clemes Academic Awards for 2009, held in the Clemes Library, brought together these students, along with their parents and teachers to celebrate their accomplishments. Photo by Sofia Lopez A Student Publication May 2010 Issue 77 Celebrating Clemes Achievements by Amy Hall Every year, a reception is held to honour the most outstanding Year 11 and 12 students of the previous year and this year was no exception. Inside stories: Egypt Trip: Relay for Life: School Leaders: Pages 8 & 13 Swimming Carnivals: Pages 19 & 20 Prize recipients Lachlan Stewart, Joe Kaczmarski, Caitlin Dawson and Alysia Brown with Lisa Hickman after the presentation.